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•   Tom Sims  10/20
•   Patricia Gee (Holeman)  10/19
•   Russ Kirkpatrick  9/5
•   Joanne Barker  9/3
•   Carol Raglin (Carver)  7/20
•   Sue King (Ross)  7/19
•   Judy Hanson (Dillard)  5/14
•   Bonnie Benson (Concialdi)  4/26
•   Sandy Nicholson (Livesey)  4/18
•   Wendell Jackson  3/8
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•   Gary Furman  10/22
•   Luba Sakrekov (Lowery)  10/22
•   David Brinton  10/24
•   Donna Redenbaugh (Malarski)  10/25
•   Gary Dykes  10/29
•   Bill Johnson  10/29
•   Karen Miller (Johnson)  11/3
•   Betty Cimino (Harvey)  11/4
•   Bonnie Benson (Concialdi)  11/5
•   Ben Chavez  11/6
•   Deretha Drinkard (Stevens)  11/9
•   Barbara Micel (Mayotte)  11/10
•   Cheryl Berry (Stackhouse)  11/11
•   Steve Emerson  11/12
•   Cecile Lucki (Lincoln)  11/12
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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 57.3%

A:   232   Joined
B:   173   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!



Who lives where - click links below to find out.

19 live in Arizona
9 live in Arkansas
234 live in California
4 live in Colorado
5 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
3 live in Hawaii
3 live in Idaho
2 live in Kansas
1 lives in Massachusetts
3 live in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Missouri
3 live in Montana
15 live in Nevada
1 lives in New York
5 live in North Carolina
2 live in Oklahoma
14 live in Oregon
3 live in South Carolina
1 lives in South Dakota
2 live in Tennessee
9 live in Texas
9 live in Utah
1 lives in Virgin Islands
1 lives in Virginia
10 live in Washington
1 lives in West Virginia
1 lives in Wisconsin
2 live in Wyoming
1 lives in Ontario
1 lives in Italy
1 lives in Sweden
32 location unknown
153 are deceased

South Gate High School
Class Of 1962 Winter & Summer


It is always sad when a classmate passes on.  However, we want to keep our records current and let our classmates know of the passing. 

If you know of any of our classmates who have passed on, please notify us here on the website.  Click on the In Memory page, scroll down passed all the classmate names to the bottom of the page where you see the statement, "If you are aware of a Classmate who should be added to this page please let us know.  Click on the "let us know,and fill in any information you know.  This will help us update our records, post a tribute to the classmate, and notify classmates of the passing.  

Thank you for your help!  

In MEMORY page

With deep sadness, we share that the following classmates have passed away:

Art Loya
Virginia Simpson Raisty
Leonard Stiles
Barbara Weaver Rossman Scheffer
Please post a message or fond memory in their "In Memory Profile." 


As we hear of classmates who have passed away, it saddens our hearts.  We were blessed with special times and friendships growing up in South Gate and whether your high school friends are still here or have passed on, lets take a moment to reflect on all the fun and precious memories that you shared and what it meant to share that gift of friendship.  Reach out and reconnect with those here on our website that you call "friend."

"Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends leave footprints in your heart."  Unknown


Check the new "Class BLOG"

Post a response or Create a new topic

STROKE: Remember the 1st Three Letters....
S. T. R.

During a BBQ, a woman stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) ...she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.

They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Jane went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening.

Jane's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00 PM Jane passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Jane would be with us today. Some don't die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead.

It only takes a minute to read this.

A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.


Thank God for the sense to remember the '3' steps, STR. Read and

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.

Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:
S *Ask the individual to SMILE.

T *Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A
(i.e. Chicken Soup)

R *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

New Sign of a Stroke --------
Stick out Your Tongue!

NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue. If the tongue is
'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke.

A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved.

We were overwhelmed by the generosity of our classmates and
how many of you were willing to help us keep our wonderful
website and all that it entails going until October 2028!  We have
renewed our website with Class Creators,our domain name,
"southgate62," obtained ID Protect and a Secure Certificate to
2028 to keep our website as is, safe and protected!

Thank you to the following classmates:

Wanda Armagost Yetter Steve Janson
Sally Buma Newman Dick Jones
Dan Cathey Russ Kirkpatrick
Boyd Davis Chuck Klumpp
Hilaire Dufresne Don Lindgren
Jim Fahnestock Jerry Long
Dave Ganzel Norma Lowell Parry
Donna Hunt Chamberlain Carol Mehl Campbell
Gary Oedekerk Vernice Raisty Daugherty
Roxanne Rozelle Friend Eric Schaal
Paul Smith Barbara Weaver Rossman

Thank you, again, and we are so blessed to be able to enjoy our website for years and years!!     

   5:00 PM Welcome        6:00 PM Dinner    
7:30 to 11:00 PM
Reconnecting with Classmates, Entertainment, DJ, Dancing
2640 N. Lakewood Blvd
Long Beach, CA 
$100 per person/$200 per couple
Save the whole weekend 
7:00 PM Friday - Meet & Greet
The Vue - Top Floor of Holiday Inn
9:00 AM Saturday Morning
Bus Trip to SGHS - See box below for details.
9:00 AM Sunday Brunch
The Vue - Top Floor of Holiday Inn
 A limited number of rooms has been reserved for Friday and Saturday nights at a discounted rate.  If you wish to stay at the hotel, make your reservation now as rooms may fill up quickly:
Holiday Inn Reservations
$119.00 per night plus tax (16% subject to change without notice)
Mention SGHS Reunion to get the discount. Reservations must be made before August 23, 2022 to guarantee this rate. 


We are fortunate that we have not heard of anyone of our friends and acquaintances that have had Covid, except for our dear friend Richard Beard. Still can't believe it. Up until recently, we have visited with a few friends who get out less than we do, so feel we are safe. Miss seeing our family: son and his family live in Glendora so we at least spent Thanksgiving and Christmas together; daughter and her family live in Shoreline, WA outside of Seattle. Haven't seen them in over a year. We keep in touch via texting. Both she and new husband have been able to work from home, which has been a Godsend.
- Karen McCoulough (Blaylock)
Susan and I are staying well. We have been with close family, daughter, son-in-law, and 3 grand kids. Had several ZOOM meetings for Bible Studies. We have met in person with our Bible Study group, but not lately. We attend church online only for the last year at
- Steve Carr
We are doing well, taking things one day at a time. So very thankful to be well. Sending prayers to Richard Beard.
- Pam Williams (Taylor)
Ok, but frustrated that CA & LA County has kept us all so shut in! The first few months I totally stayed in & had groceries delivered. Now I go out as needed and though hate wearing a mask, I do it.
- Margaret Mahar (Allen)
- Terry Gardner
Excellent............... couldn't be better.
- Ronald LeVar
Great now that I have recovered from a mild case of the virus which I contracted on a private corporate jet flying to see my son in Tennessee. Now have antibodies to give me some protection.
- Rheta Christensen (Thure)


Like many others, Joe and I have been trying to get rid of "stuff". We've been in our home for 51 years, so it's about time. We've done quite a bit of reading and actually doing art projects using acrylic pouring technique -- it's a bit addictive for both of us. We are fortunate to have a condo in the desert which we have been going to more frequently, kind of like a mini vacation. We've gone on rides taking a picnic with us. Like everyone else, trying to make the best of it.
- Karen McCoulough (Blaylock)
I have been researching the covid-19 virus and treatments. We have vacillated between getting vaccinated and avoiding the shots. Checking the link below, we are not getting vaccinated.  Link
- Steve Carr
Working on Genealogy and going through "junk" to clear things out.Baking a little here and there,a little gardening,and attending "Zoom" meetings with the organizations I belong too.
- Judy Hanson (Dillard)
We've been social distancing at home or our cabin since March 15! Taken a few "masked trips" to Costco, various grocery stores, and did a drive-by Easter Egg Hunt for our grandkids and watched them find their eggs from our car! We've had Zoom meetings with the family, our Bible Study, my MOPS Group and had a Cocktail Zoom Party with our SMCHS Grandparents Club! Cleaning and throwing out old stuff, cooking and eating too much!!
- Bonnie Benson (Concialdi)
Essential construction inspections, but now without personal contact or entering job trailers - also combining visits for fewer journeys. Covid-19 protections are in place throughout the construction industry.
- Wendell Jackson
We have been cleaning closets and attempting to "find" a couple of bedrooms that look like stacked storage rooms. We belong to a "Seniors" club (55-92) with around 80 members. I try to talk to two members each day to see if they need anything. Many are in their late 70s to 90s with health issues. We are fortunate to be healthy and able to help. I attended Tai Chi classes four days a week prior to the lockdown--now two days via Zoom!
- Mary Stowe (Mescher)
I have cleaned out some closets. I have made some tie blankets for people that help me. I am really big into genealogy and family history. I have been making some family history books for my sister's and brother. And also I am writing a story of my life. So the lady (her name is Lisa)who rents my upstairs bedroom, we went over to South Gate last week and took pictures for my life story. It has brought back many memories.
- Kay Green (Gerken)
Cleaning our 50 years worth of "stuff". Heavy into genealogy; have boxes full of old pictures and history that no one wants. What's a girl to do?
- Janey Vardon (Bouffard)
reading and watching way to much COVID19 news, so I try to balance that with equal amounts of LaughUSA on SeriusXM radio. Although my wife, Sandy, usually does the cooking, I am branching into it, and even tried root beer marinated pork chops with root beer/brown sugar/Tabasco/garlic reduction. (A&W of course) Balance of the time is house projects, genealogy, zoom sessions with family and friends, and an occasional jigsaw puzzle.
- Paul Smith
Jay is busy using this time cutting and splitting wood for next winter and getting the property ready for summer. I’ve been cleaning out cupboards, scanning photos into our computer and working on our Ancestry trees. We’ve been watching movies in the evening and staying cozy in the cold weather. The three of us are very content, me, Jay and our doggie. Spring has sprung here in the Central Sierras. We took a walk along the lake yesterday. Boaters, fishermen, people walking dogs, motorcyclists in the road. Everyone waving and smiling. I think we are all ready to venture out soon. With our pretty masks and social distancing of course.
- Kandy Kavigan (Denton)
Staying home, catching up on home repairs, revisiting some drumming rudiments, learning some new songs.
- Gerald Ranney
Helping my son remodel and upgrade the house he just bought.
- Darrell Marks
Getting a lot of gardening done, cleaning out a lot of accumulating, unnecessary "stuff", quilting and sorting through a ton of old photographs I inherited from other relatives. Three mornings a week I tutor our grandson Wesley who is 13. Although he is quite intelligent in most aspects he does have some learning disabilities (he is on the autism spectrum, OCD and focusing on studies is very difficult for him). In the afternoon his Mom takes over with the online school assignments. So this home schooling is a day long process for him. Wes is the son of Eric, our pilot son. They live on 5 acres with animals. Our daughter-in-law needed help until Eric can get home. So with our masks, sprays, wipes, etc. Wes and I go through reading and math lessons. I'm enjoying it--but praying we stay healthy.
- Cheryl Fitzke (Wolven)
I spend a lot of my time in the garage working on small projects of mine and my neighbors and hot rod buddies. The mechanical end of cars is not my strong suit but color sanding & buffing is. There's always someone who gets scratches from leaning over the fenders or from someone else and that's when they call. I worked on my old classic for 6 days and now I think I'll be afraid to drive it when we're on the other side of this pandemic.
- Jim Fahnestock
We adopted a 2-year old husky name Blaze on March 2nd of this year. This stay at home time has been very valuable in the three of us getting to know each other. Blaze loves to go for drives to McDonalds and Starbucks.
- Beverly Benner (Wedgeworth)
A lot of Zoom meetings, working in my garden, and saving money on bridge tolls, monthly parking, and gas . . . only shopping once a week to stock my pantry seems a bit more expensive though.
- Hilaire Dufresne
Zooming which I didn’t even know how to spell before,crosswords telephone calls to friends and relatives probably like everyone else
- Larry Irvine
Mostly staying at home and only out to market. Knitting a lot and reading . Making masks for a friend who works in a clinic...until my machine broke :( Needless to say a sewing store is not considered an "essential business"LOL
- Linda McMinn (Resch)
We've planted some veggies in pots on our patio and hope they produce before the desert heat bakes them. I work on quilt projects in the afternoon while hubby watches television.
- Nancy Lyle (Smith)
dr.apts,cvs food store and lunch out on days with another appointment
- Bill Porter
staying home
- Dennis Ashley
I have been quilting a lot.
- Sandra Hazel (Quinones)
I have mostly stay and home, Ron usually goes out to the ranch where we have an almond orchard and a fairly good size garden. He works out there most every day or goes up to the mountains which is about 45 mins. away I sometimes join him. We have cattle up there and we check on them a couple of times a week.
- Donna Hunt (Chamberlain)
Like others, purging closets, cupboards and what was a crowded garage. Dug up part of a flower garden to grow vegetables and another area for an herb garden. There is enough to share with my wonderful friends and neighbors. So, in general gardening, and helping neighbors with maintaining their yards.
- Nancy Wilburn (Williams)
Reading lots of easy books, finishing bindings on quilts, but not cleaning closets like so many of my friends are doing. I made a few of the face masks early on but didn't enjoy doing it. I was so happy to receive one from Sue King Ross.
- Diane Curry (Brewer)
While we have largely stuck to many of the guidelines set by the CDC we did have a 2 week visit to Lake Tahoe to visit my nearly 100 year old father. Our biggest fear of course was that we could transmit the virus to him by our travel there, fortunately that didn't happen and he would have probably beaten it anyway as he still doesn't have single health issue.
- Gary Brewster
Playing golf and doing a lot of genealogy on-line. My golf game has not improved, but this down time has given me an opportunity to learn some interesting things about my ancestry.
- Bill Johnson
Sheltering in place, wearing approved mask and practicing social distancing. If I have or am carrying virus, I don't want anyone to catch it from me. Everyone should just use common sense and we can beat this virus.
- David Haynes
Still working but retiring the end of August after 30 years at Isuzu. I am making chemo hats for St. Jude to keep myself busy and of course will have more time to do so once I retire.
- Linda Swickard (Kurtz)
Lots of golf, pickle ball, walks with Finn (our Doodle), and always never-ending yardworK. We also had a lovely vacation in SunRiver where we were able to be with our California family, enjoying all the outdoor adventures that the area offers. Spending time with our 2 granddaughters is always a Special Blessing. I have been busy planning this coming year’s art class curriculum for my elementary students. I am so excited to be returning to the classroom. Also, altho I hate the masks, I have made over 100 for family, friends, and neighbors. The best part is selecting the fabric ~ I only wear one when “required”, so want one that looks good! 😊
- Claudia McQueen (Avicola)
I am confined at home. I have cancer of the bone marrow and have been told the virus is my death sentence. My husband is fine and he does all of the shopping etc. I have been out twice in the last few months - only to see the Dr. and have blood work done. Folks here in southeast Missouri do not take this virus seriously and rarely wear a mask or practice social distancing. I am a multi media artist and spend many hours in my studio. We live on 65 acres, farm another 150 - we have horses. I shop on line with Amazon! I rarely have visitors but last week a very special friend came to see us... Some of you know him - Dave Ganzel. Davey is doing fine. Still works for the USDA, resides in Arkansas. It's always a pleasure to welcome him into our home. We raise Romagnola cattle. Dave likes to ride around with husband Joe on the 4 wheeler - and check out the herd! This is probably more information that you want to read, I just felt like typing this morning. Have a great day!
- Barbara Weaver (Rossman)
Reading, quilting, gardening, crosstitching
- Pam Williams (Taylor)
Sad, that so much has kept us all shut in! During the recent heat extreme I wanted to drive by the ocean, but saw there were huge traffic jams all along PCH.
- Margaret Mahar (Allen)
Staying away from other people.
- Terry Gardner
Hiding out in the Rocky Mountains in our little cabin watching the Bears, Foxes, Mountains Lions, Deer, Turkeys, Ringed Tailed Cats, etc.........
- Ronald LeVar
Lots of walking and gardening
- Rheta Christensen (Thure)


No social outings, but we're doing OK. Thank goodness the house is big enough for true social distancing.
- Wendell Jackson
I am keeping busy making masks, sewing grand daughters clothes and making things for the boutiques I'm in. I have to keep busy or I will go crazy like I'm sure everyone else. At night I read. Worrying when Jerry has to go to Kaiser for his chemo infusions, hoping he will keep mask and gloves on and not get sick.
- Sue King (Ross)
Tom and I are doing good and staying well and safe as much as possible. We want to thank Sue Ross for sending us her hand-made face masks. We both are wearing them when we leave the house and/or car.
- Mary Stowe (Mescher)
Hi everyone. I am doing really well. I have a friend that rents my upstairs bedroom and she takes good care of me.
- Kay Green (Gerken)
Doing well. My grandson lives with me and loves to fetch stuff. He's an "essential worker" and goes to the front of the line.
- Janey Vardon (Bouffard)
doing just fine, with just a touch of cabin-fever.
- Paul Smith
We are doing great. We had to postpone a camping trip to Morro Bay and a family trip to Hawaii but just glad we are all healthy. Just miss our family in Southern California. They will all be up here to the lake sometime this summer.
- Kandy Kavigan (Denton)
Do9ng well, safer at home.
- Gerald Ranney
Still alive.... Don't care for the wearing of masks, but you do what you have to.
- Darrell Marks
Thankfully Richard and I are doing well. Richard had to close down his dental practice (his plan was to keep working until July at which time he would then celebrate 50 years of dentistry). He still plans on reopening when allowed to do so. Our sons and families are all within 7 miles of us. Only one son is having a hard time. He's a pilot and was in the middle East when this covid-19 situation began and he is stuck there. Doesn't know when he'll be able to get home. Hoping and praying all of you are well.
- Cheryl Fitzke (Wolven)
Shirley & I are doing well, but definitely growing weary of the minute! but very fortunate and blessed that we're not suffering like some many good people are. Our prayers go out to them.
- Jim Fahnestock
Earl and I are doing okay and staying somewhat sane.
- Beverly Benner (Wedgeworth)
Pretty well. Fortunately I'm still working as a consultant and the majority of my work can be done from home.
- Hilaire Dufresne
Like everyone else stir crazy taking drives and watching so much television I think I’m actually glued to the couch
- Larry Irvine
Good Just being VERYcareful. Actually enjoying being at home and not running around.
- Linda McMinn (Resch)
Doing ok. Not going to the market as often but we do go for a cruise around town every day just to get out of the house.
- Nancy Lyle (Smith)
doing lots of reading
- Bill Porter
We have a lot of activities at home. Cabin fever is doing a good job.
- Dennis Ashley
I am doing fine. Staying most of the time.
- Sandra Hazel (Quinones)
Both husband and I are doing good, thank god.
- Donna Hunt (Chamberlain)
Lucky to be healthy and strong. Keeping a positive attitude, that is very important. After reading others answers to this survey, glad to hear others are doing as well as can be expected.
- Nancy Wilburn (Williams)
The best of time, the worst of times. Had unlimited, guilt free time to catch up with quilt bindings. Even though there has been some relaxing of the rules, I can't seem to enjoy going out much. I am very uncomfortable in the mask so prefer to stay home indoors most of the time.
- Diane Curry (Brewer)
Both my wife and have recently tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. I had very mild symptoms and was moved to recovered status by our county health department. my wife, while her symptoms were more severe, is in the last stages and in a day or two should be on the recovered list. we are so thankful for this outcome as others have been far less fortunate.
- Gary Brewster
Susan and I are going a little stir-crazy; but other than that we're both healthy and getting fatter!
- Bill Johnson
Doing well but cabin fever because of sheltering in place driving me insane.
- David Haynes
Fine as my daughter moved in with me and has done most of the shopping, etc.
- Linda Swickard (Kurtz)
We are doing great ~ since our golf course and pickle ball court have been open since May, we have been able to feel “normal”.
- Claudia McQueen (Avicola)
Going "stir crazy" but am safe and well
- Judy Hanson (Dillard)
So far, so good! Thankful Vince and I and our family are all healthy and our grandkids are safe at home with their parents studying online, etc. Praying for the five first responders in our family, son Steve and son-in-law Scott, OCFA Captain Paramedics; son Matt, Emergency Medical Service Chief and Paramedic in Colorado; and two nieces who are nurses. Most of all, I miss being able to hug family and friends!
- Bonnie Benson (Concialdi)

With all the devastating fires throughout California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado and beyond, the unrest in our country, along with the reality that the Covid-19 virus is still viciously attacking people, and some of our classmates are dealing with heartbreaking illnesses and things within their families, let's take time to reach out to one another in friendship, love and prayers. 

We, as a class, are spread over the country and some may live where the fires are raging and may be or have been in harms way.  Please let us know if the fires have affected you and if you are in need of anything! 

Through our Corona Virus Pandemic Survey, we learned that classmate Gary Brewster and his wife, Elizabeth, both had the virus and thankfully recovered.  It's with heartfelt sadness now that Richard Beard is in critical condition the hospital with the virus and pnemonia.  Please keep Richard and his wife, Barbara, in your thoughts and prayers.  

Other classmates are dealing with difficult things in life and need our love and support.   Reach out to your long-time friends, those you communicate with often and those you may not have heard from for some time! 

We don't usually single out anyone who is going through difficult times, but with all the sadness and troubled times we are living through right now, it just seems right.  We need each other!  

God bless you all and stay safe and well.

The above message went out in an email to 239 classmates with a four-question Troubled Times Survey.  You will have to go to the link, Troubled Times Survey, in the beige column here on the Home Page and complete the questions there rather than those in the email so we can get your completed survey and know how you are doing and help if we can.  Sorry for any confusion as this is the first time we attached a survey to an announcement going out.  








"How are you doing during the Corona Virus Pandemic?"



She's been making masks for family, friends and classmates!  Check out our Photo Shoebox for pictures and answer the Corona Virus Survey to let us know how you are doing!  Stay safe and well!!


As we are all faced with the Covid 19 virus and the fear and unsettling it brings, let's take a moment to thank God for the simple and carefree times when we grew up and the "happy days" we shared at South Gate High School.  We've lived three-quarters of a century and that's incredible!!!  We've lived through good times and difficult ones, seen wars and peace, prosperity and recessions, changes in our culture and government, lost loved ones and friends, and yet, we are strong, resilient, wise through our years and experiences, and we will get through this!

In this time when we all need to stay home, social distance, wash our hands and use good common sense, let's also thank God for our families and friends and share what we mean to each other and strengthen one another through the bonds we share! Let's keep in contact through our website!

Whether you are religious or not, may these words from 2 Timothy 1:7 bring you peace and comfort:

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

May you know you are cared about, dear Classmate. 

**Please note when this was originally written in a heart-felt moment, this had us only being 25 (a quarter of a century) but it now has been corrected to three-quarters of a century!  We've earned and lived our 75 years!!!!


The weekend began Friday afternoon with a welcoming Hospitality Suite at the Long Beach Airport Holiday Inn, hosted by Dwight and Sandy George.  Classmates took advantage of extending our time together by visiting the Hospitality Suite various times throughout the weekend.  Friday night's dinner at the Holiday Inn Penthouse Restaurant, saw thirty six of us dining in our own private room at the Vue--a great way to begin the weekend!

Almost 100 classmates and their spouses/guests joined us for a fabulous evening at The Grand! Oldies But Goodies played throughout the night and we enjoyed a delicious buffet dinner.  The Memorabilia Room was full of pictures and momentos from our days at South Gate Junior and Senior High Schools and long-time friends reconnected throughout the evening!  The photographer took individual photos of all attending and candid shots as well.  We even had a mini-reunion with our grammar school classmates and a few of us danced!  A 50/50 drawing saw Kay Green Gerken the lucky winner and Charles Klumpp gifted our classmates by singing, "Goodnight My Love" to end a wonderful evening!!


Sunday brunch at the Vue found over 40 of us finishing off the weekend together.  Be sure to check out the pictures in our Photo Shoebox for the 55th Reunion.  Sue King Ross posted some and there will be more to come!

Individual photos of those attending were taken by Reunion Photographers and a Memory Book will be mailed later, including classmates who were unable to attend but ordered a book and sent their picture.  If you didn't attend the Reunion, but wish to purchase a Memory Book and have your picture included, or purchase a CD of the candid shots the photographer took, let us know by sending a message through the Contact Us link on the tab on the left of the Home Page.  Memory Book is $20 and the Candid Picture CD is $20.  We will get back to you to let you know the details and take your order!  

We missed you, if you didn't attend, and send our best to you and yours!  Go You Rams!!



Richard Beard    Mike Burke    Don Brault    Fred Brewer

Jim Fahnstock   Dave Ganzel    Steve Gray   Marv Holm  

Wendell Jackson  Steve Janson  Jerry Long

 Russ Kirkpatrick   Art Loya   Bob Martin  

Beverly Deutsch McReynolds   Gary Oedekerk   

John Perry   Rebecca Reed Harlan  Sue King Ross  

Eric Schaal   Paul Smith  Pat Pennington Snyder

Greg Wethern   Wanda Armagost Yetter

1962 Classmates, THANK YOU!!!

Just added several classmates to the list of those who have donated!  We appreciate each and every one of you and donation!  We are putting the money to good use and saving for future expenses.  

To donate, make check payable to SGHS 1962 Class Reunion and mail to:

South Gate High School 1962 Class Reunion

PO Box 1831

Huntington Beach, CA  92647