Born January 26, 1944, Richard Beard grew up in South Gate, attending Bryson Elementary and South Gate Junior and Senior High Schools. Richard and his brother, Bill (S'62), were just 13 months apart, but in third grade Richard was held back a half year and they ended up in the same grade from then on.
Richard made friends easily, knew everyone, and everyone liked him. He was naturally a good athlete and stood heads above most in more than one way! His dad, Jack, a crusty railroad switchman, was very knowledgable about baseball and coached Richard's Little League baseball teams at South Gate Park with classmates Dick Jones, Tod Wakefield, Porkey Hutson, Benjie Chavez to name a few. Although his dad was a tough coach and was always pressing both Richard and the team to be better, they had fun and went on to play baseball at South Gate High. At the time, Richard, being bigger than everyone, could hit farther, but he was also quick and light on his feet! Dick Jones remembered overhearing sixth grade teacher Mr. Fitten talking with Mrs Ballentine, when the classes were square dancing, how light on his feet Richard was! That continued not only when he played 1st base and outfield as a Varsity high school baseball player but in football as well!
Richard excelled in football! More than just being a "big guy," he did well anywhere they put him. As a sophomore and junior, Richard was starting Varsity right guard and as a senior, after classmate Lane Sterling broke his hand, they put Richard at fullback. The South Gate Rams went against Birmingham High at Oxidental College, in what is remembered as the "mud bowl," for a tough fight for the league title. Although we lost, we had great team spirit and Richard was named as an all-league player. He was serious about sports, but they weren't his passion for the future. When the coach at the University of New Mexico asked him to play for them, Richard replied, "No thanks, I'm going to East LA College to be an electrician." And that he did, along with attending LA Trade Tech, where he completed an Electrical Major. When the draft was taking many of our classmates, Richard decided to sign up to serve our country with the USMC Reserves.
One special night out with the guys at the Beaver Inn in Los Angeles, Richard met a cute girl named Barbara, who was there with girlfriends. The girls weren't 21 yet and when one of her friends took a sip out of a guy's drink, she was kicked out. Barbara was driving so she had to leave too. Richard walked her to her car and asked for her phone number, which she gave him. Remember those telephone prefixes before the numbers? Well, Barbara's phone number in Hawthorne began with "Osborne," but Richard tried using "Oxford" to no avail until he finally got the right prefix and made a date with Barbara! The Beaver Inn closed two weeks later, but Richard and Barbara began their long-lasting future together! They had an interesting connection...Richard's cousins were in the popular group, The Beach Boys, and Barbara went to school with the Wilson brothers and Dennis was in her class. Richard and Barbara were married June 22, 1968. They made their home in Torrance and soon were the proud parents of two sons, Brett and Darin.
Richard worked as an electrician for Gamill Electric and Soffa Electric. He continued to do his USMC Reserve duty. While he was gone, Barbara did home projects. When Richard came home, he did them over, just as she had wanted him to do! Eventually, Richard decided to go into business for himself. But when he told Barbara, she cried! All she had ever heard was that's an avenue toward divorce. But, they proved that wrong! At first they worked out of their garage, Barbara worked at Northrop in Hawthorne, and helped out with the books. Beard Electric began in 1983 and Barbara has supported Richard in the business for 34 years by doing the books and running the office. Both Brett and Darin now work for Beard Electric at their Santa Fe Springs office. Their home has been in Fullerton for years now and they've made a great team!
Richard loved to fish and camp and spend times with their grandkids! As a family, they camped in their motor home with other classmates and their families, in particular, Mike and Carol Cerone, Jerry and Sue King Ross, Leroy and Jeannie Salvato, Ray and Judie James Pohl, Joe and Karen McCoulough Blaylock, Tod and Janice Wakefield. They just finished redoing their boat and had plans to take it to Catalina as their "Two bedroom, one bath, condo on the water." They also have a cabin in Big Bear that gives them a respite from work and special family times. As a professional, Richard served on the Board of the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) for 10 years, which enabled Richard and Barbara to travel to many places for various meetings, as well as the business won many trips that they enjoyed from Walters Wholesale Electric Company. Barbara is so thankful for the special memories they recently made celebrating their 52nd Wedding Anniversary at the Cavalier Hotel in San Simeon!
The Covid-19 virus sadly went through their family and took its vicious toll on Richard. He developed a fever and had to be taken to the hospital. He was in good spirits and thought he as going to be released when pneumonia hit and he was put on a respirator and passed away within days on September 14, 2020. He will be dearly missed by so many and is remembered as one of the nicest guys in the world! Former electricians that have worked for him over the years are calling with praises and wonderful memories of what a good teacher and person he was! Classmates and long-time friends are heartbroken. He was easy to work with on the Reunion Committee and always pleasant, positive and encouraging. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather, and brother and there is a huge void with his loss for Barbara, Brett and his wife Lyndsay, their two children, Allison and Jack, son Darin, and brother, Bill. And their precious Labradoodle, Halee, misses Richard's love for her.
Rest in peace, dear Classmate! We miss you already!
To view the online streaming memorial service for Richard on Saturday, October 17, 2020 at 10:45 AM, click the blue link below to take you to the One Room streaming site. You will not need an Event ID or Password as we originally thought.
A Jimmy Buffett themed drive-by the Beard residence (2533 Royale Place, Fullerton) is at 3:30 to 4:30 PM the afternoon of the 17th.
Cecile Lucki (Lincoln)
My heartfelt condolences to Barbara and Family as I recall fond memories of Richard during our High School Days. Rest in Peace........
Wendell Jackson
I first became really aware of Rich when I was invited to a 5th Grade football practice at the Park. There were a number of us 5th Grade boys in our mis-matched and incomplete gear, and there was one man-sized player wearing a professional-looking helmet with a faceguard. After my second time being tackled (and fumbling the ball), there was a valid consensus that maybe football wasn't my game. Looking at Rich, I wholheartedly agreed, and managed to begin non-contact competitive swimming in the 6th grade. Thanks, Rich, and may you rest in peace.
PS, my brand new helmet was used for the rest of the game by Dave Duran, R.I.P.
Condolences to all family and friends of those who have left too soon.
Jim Blumel
I always looked up to him and wish I had gotten to know while in high school. Bless him and his family, and may we be worthy.
Jeri Cusimano (Lopez)
Richard was, and still is, a unique & special part of my life and growth as an acknowledged, accepted individual in a totally unfamiliar, different world from the one from which I came. I was born, raised, and still lived in South Central Los Angeles/Watts. In this new & very differet environment I was somewhat of an anomaly. I did not dress, look like, talk like, or think like the student body I was now a part of. Except, I wasn't. Then, there was this big, friendly, helpful boy who one day, as I walked by him, stopped and said " Hi! Are you OK?" Totally unprepared, I answered, "Uh, huh?" "I've noticed you before! You are so quiet, but you look like a sweet girl, who are your friends here?" Me, "Ummm, I'm new, I don't know anyone." He then said, "Oh, really? That's OK. You will pretty soon! There are a lotta girls here that will be your friends. And, now you know me!" I'd just made a friend! I might be OK here!! After that, I felt I could lift my head,and say "Hi!" to other girls & boys at my new school. Almost immediately, I nodded and said "Hi," to a pretty red haired, and freckled face girl who asked me my name and told me hers was Carol. She said, "Let's go to the cafeteria! a couple of my friends are there!!" And, that was the day I met the girls who would be my friends not just here, in junior high, but throughout high school as well!As we went forward, we all hung out with and talked with a wide ear ge of girls and boys. And, I came to realize that ALL of them knew Richard! who continued to stop and talk to me throughout the years. Soon thereafter, he stopped one day and said. "See? I knew you would find friends here.!" He asked if my friends & I were visiting each other outside of school? I told him "Well, yeah. I've visited one or two. But they aren't allowed to visit me 'cause of where I live" He HONESTLY, bent down and whispered in my ear, "Dont worry about it. It really doesn't matter!" The bottom line, as we grew older I watched him become popula wbith, EVERYONE! We watched him play football, other sports and was part of every "group." I never forgot his warm welcome or that he was the initial inspiration for my entrance and, ultimate acceptance, in a new and vital world.
This loving "gentle giant," played a crucial part in the lives of those close to and around him. And, he never really KNEW because he was humble in his sincere, friendly, helpful, effective, generosity. This resulted in his being an example of true friendship and amazing, solid, sincere admiration & respect. I truly wish I had been able to see him one last time, to let him know what a beautiful light he was in my life and, and then to say goodbye.
He will be in my heart, mind, and soul, always...
Flora Gibbons (Nichols)
I'd like to add my words of symphathy to Richard's family. I was stricken to hear one of our classmates was lost due to the covid 19 virus. It's the first such loss of anyone I ever knew. And Richard was always such a big, strong, wonderful person, it doesn't seem reasonable to imagine it could happen to him. I read all your wonderful memories of your personal experiences with Richard and smiled as you all made his personality shine off the pages. I pray his family is able to draw comfort from the words of love and encouragement and realize Richard will live on in our hearts. God bless you all.
Judy Hanson (Dillard)
Just attended Richs' Virtual Memorial. Very nice and fitting for him. Prayers for the family. Can't do drive by as something has come up but my thoughts & prayers wll be with everyone. Rest iin Peace.
Sue King (Ross)
Richard would have been so proud of Barbara, Brett and family. What a wonderful tribute to a caring father, husband, grandfather and dear friend. I know he was watching with pride at his loved ones. Will be attending the drive by with a final tribute. God bless.! Sue and Jerry Ross
Flora Gibbons (Nichols)
I just watched the video of Richard's service. It was a lovely testimonial to a good man. I would have loved to been able to hear Brent's story about the broken arms, but once he left the podium it was very hard to hear him. Perhaps he could type it out and let us hear the story's conclusion, especially the ripped leathers. May God pour His blessings on this lovely family and may we all take time to reflect on those "Happy Days of Summer of 62''.
Marvin Holm
I have great memories of playing baseball with Richard. He could hit the ball a country mile. Sjanie and I enjoyed being a part of the reunion committee meetings with Richard and Barbara that were most often held at Beart Electric. RIP our friend.+
Lucretia "Louie" Patterson (S'63) (Clayton)
Richard went to the same Church as me and my brother. Peace Lutherean, on Tweedy Blvd. We had some great times there and even more craziness when we went up to the Church Camp in the mountains... it was snowing and soon there was a huge snowball fight and we all kind of buried our Pastor Krueger. He was a good sport and made it fun for all of us. Richard was one of the older ones in the group and he really helped keep an eye on us little roudy kiddos. Such fond memories..... R.I.P. Richard
Lu "Louie" Patterson Clayton SGHS S'63