Nancy McNamara Jiacoma was born November 10, 1943. She grew up in South Gate and went to Victoria Avenue Grammar School and South Gate Junior and Senior High Schools. She was good friends with Jackie Lanier (S'62) and they had fun together and did a lot of crazy "tooling" South Gate Streets. According to the questionnaire Nancy filled out for our 40th Reunion, in high school she wanted to be a travel agent but became a chiropractic assistant.
Nancy and her loving husband of 41 years, Ron Jiacoma, were married February 20, 1982, and he brought his three daughters, April, Wendy, and Shannon, to their marriage. They lived in Whittier for 20 years and she worked the director of a bowling alley there in Whittier. In 2002 they moved to Palmdale. They loved the fresh air, no smog, and they could see the stars! On that questionnaire, Nancy proudly said, "I was able to buy a new home and pay cash for it and not have a monthly payment to worry about!" She then worked in Palmdale for 19 years in the school system as an outside aid.
The high school dream of being a travel agent didn't come into fruition, but Nancy and Ron traveled to Mexico several times, where they were able to see a lot of different ports and see how others lived. In addition, she traveled to Hawaii with her brother and his wife every year! The long-time friendship she and Jackie had continued and when they lived close, they would get together to play Mexican Train. Besides traveling, Nancy loved spending time with their family and the eight grandchildren that came along: Natalie, Amy, Carly, Spencer, Summer, Serena, Austin and Darren.
Unfortunately and tragically, after a pedicure one of Nancy's toenails didn't look right and she went to the doctor. The toenail was removed but got infected. Then, over some time and suffering with a lot of pain, a series of surgeries were necessary, ending with the loss of her leg. Sadly she passed away January 27, 2023.
Nancy is dearly missed by her devoted husband, Ron, and loving family and friends. The motto that she lived by that she had shared on the reunion questionnaire was, "Life is a beautiful thing--we should live it to the fullest we can. Enjoy each day." She truly lived that out until the end. Rest in peace dear classmate.
Judy Hanson (Dillard)
My thoughts and Prayers go out to Nancys' husband and family. She had such a good outlook of Life and this is such a sad loss. Rest in Peace sweet lady.
Jim Fahnestock
I was very sadened to hear of Nancy's passing and I pray for her family left behind. I had a crush on Nancy way back when we were all so young during that golden time of the late 50's and 60's when life was just starting out for us. Rest in peace dear Nancy, love, Jim