John Misenhimer was born July 6, 1943. One of six children and the second from last, he grew up near the South Gate park on May Court. He went to Tweedy Elementary School and South Gate Junior and Senior High schools.
John was drafted and spent two years in the Army during 1965 to 1967. He attended Monterey Language School, learning Vietnamese, but was never sent to Vietnam. They lost his papers, so he ended up a cook at Fort Ord until his discharge.
While living in Downey during the 70's, John attended Cerritos College, majoring in Accounting and Police Science. As a hobby, he loved working on boats and drag boat racing and had his own boat. John and his best friend, Kenny McIntosh, planned a trip to the river to go water skiing on the Fourth of July weekend in 1975. John was dating a girl from work but he ended up bringing a "blind date" and Kenny brought his girlfriend, Dee. John and Dee flirted all weekend, Kenny got sunburned, and John's date was mad at him. Dee and John went water skiing. She fell, John helped her up, winked at her, and that was it! Dee remembers he was so good looking, a gentleman, and so nice! John had met the love of his life!
Dee and John were married in Las Vegas September 17, 1977. They became a family of his (from a previous relationship), hers, and ours, taking Dee's two under his wing and raising them as his own. They lived in La Mirada and eventually in the Green Hills tract in La Habra and next door to classmate Ira Rosenberg (S'62). Through the years, John worked for several different companies, always in a management position.
A tragic boating accident occured in the mid-70's, where John's friend Kenny was severely injured, several others were killed, and a false rumor went around that John had been killed as well.
In 2005 John retired and he and Dee moved to Shady Cove, Oregon, to a rural area on 2/3 acres, where they could grow their own vegetables, raft the Rogue River in the summers, and enjoy all four seasons. Ira Rosenberg and his wife also moved to Oregon...small world! John volunteered at the veteran's center in White City, OR and golf became his favorite hobby! John and Dee attended our 55th Reunion in September, 2017.
In May, 2020, John was diagnosed with Glioblastoma (brain cancer) and given a year to live, but sadly, he passed away October 17, 2020.
Dee said of John, "He never met a stranger and was loved by all who knew him. He was the best man I have ever known, kind, loving, supportive and such a wonderful father. We were married for 43 years and together for 45 years. Those were the best years of my life. I will love him for the rest of my life. He will be missed by so many." John leaves behind his wife, Dee, children Jeff Young, John David Patterson, Christi McGonigal, Johnny Misenhimer and Denise Lasater, 15 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren.
Rest in peace, dear classmate.
Judy Hanson (Dillard)
John was a true gentleman, I was walking to school one day and he passed me then backed up and offered me a ride but he was so good looking I was afraid of him and said "No Thanks". I relented and took the ride and didn't have to worry about anything. My sincerest condolences to Dee and his children & grandchildren. May John Rest in Peace.
Marilyn Lyons (Stanphill)
I remember John from Jr. High in 7th grade I met him at a party and had a lots of fun we did the limbo it was a calipso party. Later I saw where John won the smile of the year contest 2 years in a row.I thought he was so handsome but never got to see him after that. I moved, but I will always remember he was a nice boy .Prayers to his family.Thank you John for your service to our country.
Sue King (Ross)
I did not know John personally, but remember seeing him at school. He had a charming smile. Love to family and may they always have fond memories and joy in their hearts of a life well lived. Dee, remember he is watching down at you from heaven with love..
Margaret Mahar (Allen)
I first knew John in Jr. High. We seemed to be in the same classes. He was always smiling, kind and friendly! He was cute, but for some reason not on my radar. Guess it was because I liked older guys.It was great getting to know Dee and Christi. Praying for John and them and the family. My prayers continue for comfort for all of the family! It's always harder to lose a loved one around the holidays.
All my love Dee, Christi and family
Tom Carnesi
My sincerest condolances go out to John Misenhimer's family! I do not remember John, however 58 years is a long time span, and we've all changed and gone our separate paths in life...... Tom Carnesi
Bonnie Benson (Concialdi)
I remember John both in junior high and high school but didn't know him well. However, I know he was one of the nicest guys and, of course, "cutest!" It was so nice talking with Dee, his wife, to put together his tribute and I know he was deeply loved and will be dearly missed by Dee, especially, and his family! Rest in peace!
Roger North
I am sadden to hear of our loss of another classmat. I remember John as a good friend of all he touched.