In Memory

Art Loya

This is a brief synopsis of the life of Art Loya but his life story written by him on his Classmate Profile depicts the fascinating and extremely accomplished life he lived.  Please read it for all the details!

Art was born on October 25, 1944 and grew up in South Gate on Orange Avenue, just adjacent to Tweedy.  Across the street from his home classmates Nancy Wilburn Williams (S’62), Diane Alviso Hyder (S’62), Sandy Symcovitz Berg (S’62) lived and further down the street were Dick Connole (S’62), Bob Wilson (S’62) and Della Rasp Mason (S’62).  He attended Bryson Avenue and South Gate Junior and Senior High Schools.   

We remember Art as being a really nice, quiet guy, sometimes shy, with a brilliant mind and being a high achiever.  Art was best friends with Richard Pattie (S’62) in high school and Richard said, “…they were an unlikely pairing as they were so different but they shared many fun, ridiculous, interesting and usually dangerous adventures together!”  After graduation, Art headed up to UC Berkeley and was an engineering student there his freshman year. 

Art began his career with Berkeley Instruments Corporation. They designed a remote, self-powered, electronic Weather Station and Art had now entered the engineering world.  In 1964 he installed his first custom-designed Automatic Weather Station at Cal State University at Northridge!  He put his education on hold and other custom environmental data monitoring systems followed and an unbelievable career ensued!

Art and Richard’s friendship continued when Art offered Richard a job working with him for a little tech company in Berkeley and then being his best man in 1971 when Art married the love of his life, Lynda Sharpe.  They attended our 10 Year Reunion. He became an avid scuba diver, loved cars, successfully designed custom Meteorological Systems for global customers, traveled the world, and learned to fly.  Then in 1980 he and Lynda divorced, which “shattered his life.” 

He then started his own company, Orion Electronics, in 1985, located in Hayward, California.  They designed some unique products, a collision warning device for airline radar applications and a “talking airport weather station.”  In late 1989 he relocated to Arizona, leaving his company in “capable hands.”

Art then worked as a contributing technical consultant for ten years in Scottsdale, Arizona on various projects, one of which resulted in a RF wound healing device called PROVANT, which is used in most all of the VA hospitals in the U.S.  In 2002 to 2009 he was Director of Engineering for Regenesis Biomedial Inc., managing their Engineering Department.  They eliminated the Engineering Department and Art then went to work providing technical service for VAISALA and traveling worldwide. 

Art eventually made his home in Prescott Valley and he loved caring for his landscape and garden, hiking and exploring Arizona.  He also loved cooking and “thought of each new dish as a chemistry experiment.”  He had a scary experience in 2013, most likely had the Hantavirus, but recovered after being ill several weeks. That didn’t keep him from travelling, however, and he went on to travel to Iceland, the Azores Islands, Philippines, Malaysia, Borneo, Brunei, France, India and the United Arab Emirates.

Art and Richard reconnected several times and in 2017 Richard visited Art at his home in Prescott Valley and they had a great reunion!  Art was very interested in Richard’s astrophotography so they stayed in touch via email for a few years.  We were in contact with Art before our 55th Reunion in 2017, but he was unable to attend as the hurricanes hit Puerta Rico and he went to check on the Weather Station there.  Check out his photos on his profile. 

Then many of us lost contact with Art.  His brother Rick informed us in 2020 that Art was suffering from early dementia and he was eventually hospitalized and then sent to a memory care facility in Scottsdale, Arizona. Art passed away from kidney failure in March of 2022.  He is survived by his brother Rick and sister Laurie.  He had a fantastic life with so many extraordinary accomplishments and closures, as well, but always went on to keep doing great things and living an eventful life.  Rest in peace, dear Classmate. 


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10/17/24 10:21 AM #1    

Terry Edwards

Art and I were close at Bryson and SGJH.  He was a great guy, very smart.  He lived on Orange and I lived on Hildreth and we used to walk down the alley back and forth.  At Bryson we spent hours trying to get a crystal radio to work, no luck.  At SGJH he painted my face with some kind of glow make-up and used a ultraviolet light to show it at a science day assembly.  After the 50th reunion we would communicate once in awhile to update each other.  




10/18/24 09:22 AM #2    

Judy Hanson (Dillard)

I talked with Art off and on over the years and we had very pleasant conversations. When he tried to explain  that weather thing he invented I let him know my brain level didn't match his and he would laugh. Rest in peace with the Angels old friend.

10/20/24 11:15 AM #3    

Tom Sims

Like many others, I was deeply saddened to hear of Art Loya's passing. Art and I were really close friends in high school but sadly lost touch after our paths separated for college and beyond. It wasn't until the last reunion we both attended we reconnected and it seemed like we'd never lost touch. I was always impressed by Art's intellect and, after talking with him at the reunion, amazed at what he was able to accomplish in life. It's my opinion and belief Art is in a better place now, but I still mourn his passing. 

10/20/24 04:39 PM #4    

Bonnie Benson (Concialdi)

I went all through school with Art, from Bryson Avenue to SGHS!  Our lives touched different times during those years and I remember him as always being so nice, polite, a little shy, and very smart!  He came to several of our reunions and it was always nice to see him.  During our plans for our 55th Reunion in 2017, I talked with Art several times, we shared memories, and he sent lots of pictures from grammar school through high school.  He was excited to attend the reunion but sadly the hurricanes hit Puerto Rico and he went down there to help with the Weather Station.  He was always fun to talk to and very humble!  I had no idea all he had accomplished and done in his life until I read his profile!  So very sad that dementia stopped his brilliant mind and life.  You are missed, Art!!!


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