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Forum: Sharing Caregiver Experiences



Created on: 02/22/12 04:50 PM Views: 4171 Replies: 1
Caregivers Spouse
Posted Wednesday, February 22, 2012 04:50 PM

On April 19th of last year my Mother-in-law was hospitalized because the Alzheimers had progressed to the stage were walking unassisted was out of the question. Although we had been warned, the decline was accelerating up until death in October. My wife worked 4X10 so she was able to visit weekly and stay with her dad as well. It broke my heart weekly to she her when she returned. Always that gullt could she do more. I provided as much support as i could and ponder nightly if i could have done more to help her.

One day at a time.


Site Admin

RE: Caregivers Spouse
Posted Thursday, April 5, 2012 09:33 AM


Thanks for the post.  Both you and your wife did all you could, so don't feel gulity, feel proud that you were there for them as much as you could be.  Let it go, and live in the Present Moment in a state of Peace.